Cross Cultural Awareness and English I 2014 Week 1: Welcome!

Hello everyone, welcome to the University of Tsukuba!

Today I'm going to introduce you to the course. Please click the link to download your Course Outline.

Well, as you saw from the course outline, we will be discussing love and marriage in various cultures this semester. Let's listen to a great song by Frank Sinatra called "Love and Marriage".

 As the song says, "Love and Marriage" go together like a horse and carriage. "Love" and "marriage", and "horse" and "carriage" are collocations. (コロケーション、語と語のつながり、語の配列、連語(法)、連語構成語) Can you think of any more collocations related to the topic of love and marriage? With your partner, please make a list.

Now, let's learn some vocabulary. We will be using an online vocabulary learning tool called Quizlet. Please click the link to download a document called Getting Started with Quizlet. I have created a class for us on Quizlet. Please click the clink to join the class. Please click the link: Cross Cultural Awareness and English Vocabulary. Please study the flashcards for 5 minutes

Now let's share our opinions about love and marriage with the people sitting next to us. Would you like to get married some day? 

That's all for today. Next time we'll talk about love and marriage in Botswana. See you!