The Ethics of the 21st Century Renaissance

The gift aim of governments looking to stay in energy is to secure extra business opportunities and an increasing financial system. This particular obsession with strength disregards the destiny accumulation of unsustainable debt, resulting in inevitable demoralising chaos, and in chronic conflict.

This technology of chaos, is governed by the second one regulation of thermodynamics, which Albert Einstein called the 'Premier Law of all of Science'. His colleague, Sir Arthur Eddington, referred to as it the 'Supreme Metaphysical Law of the Entire Universe'. In his maximum famous essay entitled 'A Freeman's Worship', Lord Bertrand Russell wrote that we had no different choice however to worship the regulation in a total agony of depression, without any sustainable herbal ethic arguing otherwise. Very current clinical discoveries have showed that this philosophery of science became dangerously incorrect.

These discoveries also established the unique basis of technology, which became constructed in historic Greece. The Platonic lifestyle of Geek philosophy have been used for centuries to fuse ethics into a model of advent known as the Nous, postulated at some stage in the fifth Century BC via the daddy of cosmological technology, Anaxagoras. He idea that a excellent creator of our international left our section of the universe for you to assemble others elsewhere, leaving us with freewill to broaden an moral purpose for the evolution of life.

By the third Century BC, the resulting Atomistic technological know-how derived from fusing ethics into the Nous, become taught at the Greek universities, The Lyceum and The Academy. The technological know-how have become called the 'Science for Ethical Ends', which changed into additionally compatible with the 3rd Century BC Atomistic 'Science of typical love', taught on the University, Ho Kepos.

When the Great Library of Alexandria turned into burned in 415 AD, maximum of the mathematical scrolls about those sciences were destroyed because the works of the Devil, plunging Western civilisation into the Dark Ages. As the new discoveries now display, we had been literately left with a lifestyle with out sustainable medical ethics.

The Cornell University Library posted approximately this type of discoveries, made through  Chinese scientists in 2011. The scientists used arithmetic to illustrate that proteins in DNA constantly enfolded into shapes, with the intention to evolve in contradiction to the Einsteinian World-view. Ten years earlier, the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, had predicted this protein phenomena to exist, an idea that had been derived from the Platonic Science for Ethical Ends.

The technology of quantum mechanics has been commonplace as being the premise of contemporary science when you consider that 1927. This technology encompassed an faulty concept of chronic chaos, notion to steer ultimately to the destruction of all lifestyles inside the universe. In order to correct the unfavourable ramifications of this 'Greed Energy Law' governing contemporary economics, politics, technology and quantum science, we have to upgrade and modify quantum mechanics as a consequence to the new discoveries.

Discoveries made by using nanotechnology, offer photographic evidence demonstrating that the evolutionary functioning of the molecule of emotion, discovered by means of Dr Candace Pert in 1972, does now not obey the greed strength law in any respect. This demonstrates that global economic slavery is an unnatural and unethical greed driven obsession. The geometrical sample of the dance of life is known to be primarily based upon variations of the sacred geometries, used to supply a intuitive emotional pattern reputation transferred to and encoded inside the emotion molecule. We can explain the cancerous nature of this obsession by using showing that its mathematical logic is unable to generate wholesome organic boom and improvement thru space-time. This most cancers-like boom is opposite to the mathematical functioning of the misplaced ethical technological know-how, that can generate healthful biological blueprints via space-time.

In 1990 the Science-Art Research Centre's arithmetic of existence-strength turned into selected for reprinting as an critical optical discovery of the 20th Century literature with the aid of the IEEE SPIE Milestone Series, the sector's biggest technological studies institute. This phenomenon were alluded to by Einstein, as belonging to the mythological fact of Babylonian mathematical metaphysical conjecture. The first mythological mathematical shape of the Greek Nous became non regenerative, due to the fact its mythical writer changed into concept to have left our universe upon having finished its creation.

The extended application of consciously weaving ethics into the Nous' legendary existence, converted its unique Euclidean mathematical structure into a dynamical geometrical residing mathematical system. However, Einstein forbade the development of this Nous arithmetic to be part of any living device. Although his mainstream global-view now accepts that the dynamical fractal mathematical common sense extends to infinity, it refuses to hyperlink it to any life-technology, because Einstein concept that the energies of chaos radiating far from death celebrity structures. Might subsequently bring about the cessation of all lifestyles. Therefore, in line with Einstein, the residing process could not in all likelihood expand to infinity.

This reasoning is inaccurate. The current Cloud Chamber experiments on the CERN Hadron Collider established that cosmic radiation from loss of life novae, 30 million mild years in the past inside the Milky-way, reasons rain to fall in the world nowadays. Furthermore, the system may be related to the evolving formation of endocrine fluids in the molecule of emotion. The manner of attention affecting the subatomic material of the fabric universe, the idea of quantum mechanics, turned into idea through Einstein to simplest obey the useless laws of the bodily reality. The 1937 Nobel Laureate in Medicine, Szent-Gyorgyi, argued strongly to the opposite. He insisted that recognition belonged to a 2d energy device by using interacting with Einstein's knowledge of the energies of chaos. In historic times, that 2nd energy gadget was associated with a religious intuitive fact. Today it's far known to belong to the functioning of the endless holographic universe.

The Science-Art Research Centre's Director of Bio-aesthetics, artwork appreciation principle, the late Dr George Cockburn, Royal fellow of Medicine, London, wrote a book titled A Bio-Aesthetic Key to Creative Physics and Art, analysing 2 hundred years of painting methodology employed by using Australian Art-masters. He concluded that some artists have been pressured to paint with the aid of an innate inner feel of belonging to a holographic universe. Cockburn superior the electromagnetic aesthetic theories of the truth seeker Emmanuel Kant and modified them to derive a mathematical understanding about Kant's Godlike electromagnetic ethic for perpetual peace on the earth. Cockburn's conclusions have been much like the paintings of the mathematician Bernard Bolzano, who had additionally developed mathematical theories about ethics through a correction to Kant's paintings. In the past, a few scholars had used Kant's aesthetic theories to broaden a arithmetic for perpetual monetary growth and improvement, which, as already explained, ins now considered to be socially carcinogenic. The difference between aesthetics and ethics is explainable through an entanglement between the quantum mechanical fact and the holographic reality of the now rising quantum biology.

Following Dr Cockburn's death, the Science-Art Centre used his mathematical electromagnetic definition of the innovative Nous, to discover their optical residences within the modern manufacture of numerous three-D viewing glasses. The relevant glasses, whilst used to view paintings, converted a number of them into holographic pix. By using these glasses to view computer pictures of complicated dynamical structures, within the medical e book entitled, The Beauty of Fractals, it became located that those images became brilliant holographic photographs. Within this book, a chapter called Freedom, Science and Aesthetics, become written by means of the eminent scientist Professor Gert Eilenberger. He stated: 'That is part of the excitement surrounding those pictures; they show that out of studies an inner connection, a bridge, can be made between rational clinical perception and emotional aesthetic enchantment; these  modes of cognition of the human species are beginning to concur in their estimation of what constitutes nature.'

This optical bridge is the one that the molecular biologist, Sir C P Snow pointed out in his famous Rede lecture at Cambridge University in 1959. Unless that bridge between modern-day technology and the historical Greek Humanities' moral information turned into built, the Einsteinian knowledge of the regulation of chaos should fall apart international civilisation. It is likewise the premise of Buckminster Fuller's caution, that except we evolved the energies of  accepted energy systems, in preference to Einstein's single machine of chaos, then oblivion could result. The misplaced pagan arithmetic can now be linked to the quantum entanglement between quantum mechanics and quantum biology, to expose that current technological know-how, technology, politics and economics haven't any long term sustainable moral content material.

It is nonsense to retain to prevent this problem from being researched because it were erroneously classified in the course of the fifth Century because the work of the Devil. This was because the mathematical know-how, once taught in the Mystery Schools of Babylon, belonged to the worship of the Goddess Ishtar. The assault upon the mathematical teachings by way of St Augustine followed, due to the fact the Bible had linked such mathematics to the worship of the Whore of Babylon. The use of sacred geometries had been used in the Babylonian ceremonial worship of Ishtar, the Goddess of prostitution and conflict. However, the sacred geometrical arithmetic taught in the teaching of the historic Egyptian Goddess Maat, became about mercy, compassion and justice and the prevention of the universe from reverting to chaos.

Buckminster Fuller derived his religious, optical engineering, mathematical global-view, from the Egyptian faculty of mythical arithmetic. Whereas, Lord Bertrand Russell and Albert Einstein advanced theirs from the mathematics developed from ancient Babylon. The reader can verify that Fuller derived his synergistic universe from the Platonic spiritual mathematics developed from the Egyptian Mystery Schools, via reading Harvard University's Novatis Professor Amy Edmonson's, free 1987 on line edition of her e book entitled The Fuller Explanation-The Synergetic Geometry of R Buckmister Fuller, Chapter 4, pages 36 and 37.

No be counted how smart our obsolete arithmetic becomes, the extra damage it causes. For instance some scientists are realising that the 3 Nobel Prizes offered for mathematical economic logic in 1994, appear to have introduced about the fall apart of the previous Soviet Union and the mathematics is now collapsing the worldwide financial system. This instance of chaotic mind over the functioning of mathematical topics may be adversely in comparison with the ethical mathematics upholding the lost Science for Ethical Ends.

The above-noted Professor Eilenberger's bankruptcy about Freedom, Science and Aesthetics is derived from the historic Greek 'Science for Ethical Ends'. When Pythagoras brought light into the Greek 'Music of the spheres' concept, he used the ethics of Egyptian political coaching. His Egyptian religious concept of liberty is now depicted on the Great Seal of America.

During the 18th and nineteenth Century, philosophers of science, along with Kant, Oersted, Schelling and Humboldt, realised that the Pythagorean moral non secular arithmetic become alluding to their tons later discoveries, associated with their electromagnetic environmental truth. Schelling corrected Kant's religious idea of the Godlike electromagnetic ethic for perpetual peace on the earth, with the aid of linking it immediately to the scientific principles upholding the pagan 'Science for Ethical Ends'. These scientists were searching for a pressure to be harnessed, to make Faraday's electric motor seem a toddler's toy via evaluation. Scientists from round the world have now built diverse factors of the electromagnetic ethic that fits collectively to make such an electromagnetic version of truth feasible.

An electromagnetic motor drives the tail of the sperm to the ovum. Upon coming into, it's far transformed by means of the feminine electromagnetic field. Into the cellular centriole. The centriole energises the primary bone created in the embryo, the sphenoid (known in alchemy as the Golden Mean). The sphenoid bone vibrates with the seashell Golden Mean layout of the cochlea, the usage of the identical existence-electricity forces as the ones found via the Science-Art Centre, for the duration of the Eighties. This then creates the electromagnetic functioning accountable for evolving recognition, as has been derived from the Greek Music of the Spheres concept with the aid of the Texas University scientist, Dr Richard Merrick, as is explained in minute element within his e-book entitled, Interference.

Nanotechnology is assisting to outline the applicable ethical era, that's unattainable to scientists who're locked into the mindset of these captivated with the physical functioning of the greed strength law. The term, 'greed strength law' was used by the anthropologist, Dr Maria Montessori, indexed in TIME Magazine's Century of Science, because the best scientist for 1907. Her work with the Jesuit Priest, Tieldhardt de Chardin, who also challenged the single power device of Einstein's global-view, turned into derived from the electromagnetic theories of Immanuel Kant. Montessori installed a specific coaching gadget to give an explanation for how the creative thinking of younger youngsters advanced outside the have an effect on of parental and non secular mental enter.

During the twenty first Century, the Science-Art Research Centre began to attention upon growing a Social Cradle to assist the extra rigorous research of the Florentine New Measurement of Humanity Project at Florence University. On the 24th of September 2010, the quantum chemists, Professors Paolo Manzelli and Massimo Pregnolato, have been offered the Giorgio Napolitano Medal on behalf of the Republic of Italy for their quantum biological research discoveries. This become across the world declared because the delivery date of the 21st Century Renaissance.

Together, with their colleagues, they have prolonged the organization, Art Quantum International, to similarly the Italian Science-Art research. In June 2012, the Science-Art Research Centre published the book entitled, The twenty first Century Renaissance, using the pioneering history of Science-Art Research in Australia to introduce the human survival moral ethos of the Florentine Project. This e-book carries a chapter written by using a Dr of International Law, outlining how UNESCO and the United Nations can improve Immanuel Kant's failed vision of an moral League of Nations, that allows you to enforce his ennobling electromagnetic ethical ethos. A Doctor of Medicine has written to help the legal textual content, with the overall moral idea encouraged with the aid of a UNESCO Chair for World Peace and by using the Electrical Engineer who headed the improvement of the Telefunken Communications Complex in Europe.

It is well known that scholars during the world are developing comparable standards approximately the brand new ethical science and era. If they can someway merge their intuitive endeavours for critical debate, in the shape of the 21st Century Renaissance, they'll properly combine to enhance technological know-how for the betterment of the global human situation, below its ethical umbrella.